Shun Sakurai
Shun Sakurai started his hair dressing career in Tokyo before moving to Singapore to work for the well-known salon LIM hair.
LIM hair is one of the top salons in Japan. After he moved to Singapore, it did not take long for him to become not only a top stylist but a salon manager as well with his talents and skills.
He is active in creative work and won an award in Japanese Brand Photo Competition. He also does shooting works and fashion show's backstage works for luxury brands such as Chanel, etc. as a styling master.
日本の有名ヘアサロン( SHIMA、Heaka-AVEDA、TUCCI )で活躍。「日本だけでなくアジアの女性をもっとキレイにしたい」との想いから、シンガポールの日系トップサロンLIM GROUP “KIZUKI+LIM”にてトップスタイリスト兼サロンマネージャーとして参画する。
2017年に、ヘアサロン“SHUN SAKURAI”をオープン。ヘアスタイリストとして現場に立つかたわら、ヘアサロンビジネスを通じて、ローカライズされた日本のサービスやカット技術、さらには文化・伝統などのライフスタイルをアジアに発信していくことを使命としている。
"I believe that appearance plays a huge role in one’s confidence level. A well-suited hairstyle can greatly improve one’s mood and the way one portrays him/herself. With that in mind, I am really grateful to have my passion as my profession, because I believe that it can make a difference to others." — Shun Sakurai